Editor's Note: This post is part of a series called "From the Archives" - a look back at the people who served and helped shape the Southern Highland Craft Guild. The author of the series is Bonnie Krause. Bonnie works at Allanstand Craft Shop and volunteers in theSHCG Library. Goingback Chiltoskey, known as G.B., was born on the Cherokee Qualla Boundary ...
Craft Fair of the Southern HighlandsFannie MennenFrom the ArchivesPlum Nellyprint makingSouthern Highland Craft Guild
Fannie Rebekah Mennen
posted on , by Southern Highland Craft Guild
Editor's Note: This post is part of a series called "From the Archives" - a look back at the people who served and helped shape the Southern Highland Craft Guild. The author of the series is Bonnie Krause. Bonnie works at Allanstand Craft Shop and volunteers in theSHCG Library. Fannie Rebekah Mennen was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1903, child of Rabbi Ephraim Mennen and ...